Bomb threats should always be taken seriously. Do not assume that a bomb threat is a prank call or that they are only made to the Management Office. Anyone can receive a bomb threat and all building occupants should be prepared.
Telephone Bomb Threats
- Remain calm and keep the caller on the line as long as possible so an attempt can be made to trace the call. Have a prearranged signal with others in the office so that someone else can call 911 and possibly can listen in without the caller’s knowledge.
- Record the conversation, if possible.
- Never transfer the call.
- Never assume the threat is only a hoax; report it.
- Never shrug off the threat as a “bomb scare” that can be ignored; report it.
- Never argue with or ridicule the caller.
- Let the caller know that the manager wants to save lives and urge him/her to help.
- The person receiving the call should try to get as much information as possible from the caller and should write out the message exactly as received from the caller.
- Use a Bomb Threat Checklist as a guide for the questions to ask the caller. Record what the caller says, identify as closely as possible the age, sex, and accent of the caller, as well as the possible identity of any background noise.
- Once the caller has hung up, immediately contact the Management Office and provide the following information:
- Your name
- Your location (building and suite number)
- Your phone number
- Name of any other person who heard the threat
- Name of any employee threatened by the caller and his/her work location
- Time the bomb is to detonate if known
- Location and description of the bomb if known
- Any reason given for planting the bomb
- Any other information received from the bomb threat perpetrator
- The decision of whether to evacuate the office should be made by the Tenant. The decision whether to evacuate other tenants will be made by the Building Management Office in conjunction with the Police.
- Do not touch or handle any unusual items you might find. Report them to the authorities.
Suspicious Packages or Mail Bombs
Letter bombs are usually sent through the mail addressed to a specific individual in the company, usually disguised to look like some sort of gift or a small package. Letter bombs have the power to kill or seriously maim anyone in close proximity. Letter bombs are usually contained within a large size manila envelope 1/4″ to 1/2″ thick and are fairly rigid. However, the technology used in letter bombs has become increasingly sophisticated, and can be difficult to detect visually. Letter bombs have been mailed from cities or small towns in the United States, as well as from foreign countries. Be especially wary of letters that are mailed to titles – Chairman, President, Manager, Security Officer, etc. – rather than directly to named individuals.
Letter bombs are usually sent through the mail addressed to a specific individual in the company, usually disguised to look like some sort of gift or a small package. Letter bombs have the power to kill or seriously maim anyone in close proximity. Letter bombs are usually contained within a large size manila envelope 1/4″ to 1/2″ thick and are fairly rigid. However, the technology used in letter bombs has become increasingly sophisticated, and can be difficult to detect visually. Letter bombs have been mailed from cities or small towns in the United States, as well as from foreign countries. Be especially wary of letters that are mailed to titles – Chairman, President, Manager, Security Officer, etc. – rather than directly to named individuals.
If you suspect a parcel contains a letter bomb:
- Save all material received: envelope, packaging material and contents.
- Do not touch or handle any packaging after a threat has been realized in order to preserve fingerprints.
- In the event of evacuation, personnel should take their purses, packages, briefcases or suitcases with them out of the building. Be aware of suspicious persons entering your suite or strange behavior exhibited.